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Our Story

At Chicks Who Trail our vision is uncomplicated, because who has time for complicated shit? We simply do our best to empower, inspire, educate and unite women who share a love and passion for trails, adventure and the outdoors through shared experience and learning, and in doing so, cultivate a community invested in implementing and inspiring change while getting more women outdoors and on trails.


Through our group runs and events we hope that immersing women in the beautiful outdoors will inspire and encourage a community that is not only responsible for their outdoor playground, but invested in sharing it with all women of South Africa. One of CWT’s core values is rooted in the concept of sharing experiences with others and in doing so, diversifying and increasing women’s presence (not only physically) on the trails.


We are fun-loving, just-get-on-and-do-it, wild at heart, free-spirited women. We promote independence and strength without losing touch of compassion and love. We are redefining what it means to be a woman through our shared experiences and our collective knowledge. And we’re having a hellova lot of fun in the process.


Founder and all-round outdoor nerd, Bryony McCormick, started the group in Febuary 2017. Two people rocked up. This is why that didn’t deter her from overcoming anxiety and self-doubt, and continuing to organise weekly group runs...


 "Starting, nurturing and being involved in a women's trail running community in South Africa seems like an extension of who I am personally, and professionally.


From a career point of view, I was my most fulfilled when I was editing a teen girl’s magazine, inspiring, educating and empowering a unique community of teenage girls with every page of content. There was something so deeply satisfying about sharing information and experience in an authentic, relatable way that resulted in growth, confidence and empowerment.


From a personal point of view, trail running has taught me so much about myself, my relationships and my behaviour. From how far my body can go before it gives out, how strong my mind is and what I can overcome if I really try. It’s taught me patience and grace. It’s taught me about self-respect and really helped me understand who I am which in turn has given me the confidence to find my voice, to find my inner courage and accept myself. It’s deepened my connection to the planet and nature. It’s shown me parts of the world I never imagined to see, introduced me to so many new people, cultures and groups and taken me all over our unique and beautiful country. It's empowered me, made me feel stronger, made me feel alive (it’s also made me feel half dead - but that’s a story for another day!).


So I guess I wanted to create a community where I could provide a space for women to come together and learn, grow, challenge and thrive off one another. I wanted to create a community that helped women find their voices, meet their authentic selves and deepen their connection with mother nature. I wanted to use trail running as the vehicle knowing how much I’ve taken from it, and I chose to make it woman-only off the back of seeing, first-hand, the immense and unexplainable energy and togetherness that comes from lumping a group of women together in one situation, space or experience.


The three women in this picture were the catalyst I needed to get off my ass and take the leap; three strong, brave, independent, outdoor hooligans I had the good fortune of hiking Kilimanjaro with mid-2017. It was remarkable how in just seven days we saw the best of each other, but also the worst and EVERYTHING in between, and came out of it with a bond that will carry through until we're old and grey and trying to figure out technology. And that is what I want Chicks Who Trail to be for women. I want other women to experience that level of friendship, that sense of adventure and the sweet joy that trail running with beautiful like-minded womxn can add to your life!"


Bryony McCormick, CWT Founder


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